[Music Monday] The Vamps

About maybe a year ago, I heard of this UK band called The Vamps from Rosa Parks. I fell in love with their mash-ups especially this Justin Bieber mash-up and I really like their Bruno Mars mash-up. They add their own very nice rock flare to it. Of course they are also very good looking boys. So the mash-ups came out about a year ago when their channel was starting out and had about 10 videos. When I recently came back to their channel, I found that they had a few quality music videos with original songs on their very own Vevo. Well, they most definitely climbed up some ranks as their videos have millions of views.

[Re:Framed] The Horribly Horrible Mush of Emotions


On Monday, a vast amount of students wore black or rasta in memory of a fellow peer who suddenly died in a biking accident. I remember that day I was sitting at my usual spot at lunch and looked out at the scene of students eating. There was a sea of black on a gloomy day in sunny California. There is an overflowing amount of school pride at our school and the death of one of our own can really bring up some feelings.

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[Music Monday] I don’t want no Scrubs

Whoops sorry for the late post, but here’s a new post! TLC’s “No Scrubs”  is a song I’ve been hearing from my church friends. Breadsticks was singing it on Friday. On Sunday, I had the privilege of being able to sit next to my pastor as he jammed out to singing this song. “You need to have all the sass and feeling when you sing this song” was what he said. Yes, he is the man leading us toward God. It’s funny how our church is also named TLC, True Love Community. It would’ve been a great song a few weeks ago when we were still on our Sex and Relationship series. But the message is still always the same. Girls, don’t date the lame scrubs.

[Re:Framed] OP Characters?


In English, we’ve been reading All Quiet on the Western Front. While I was reading, I couldn’t help but sense the narrator describes himself with some OP characteristics. When on the battlefield, he’s killing, outrunning, hiding, jumping. I realized, well that’s exciting. If he wasn’t brave, the whole few pages of him killing people would be reduced to a paragraph of him hiding in the trenches. This idea prompted this post.

In the words of my cousin, “OP characters” are the words you use to call those main heroes of a story that pretty much overpowers everyone else. It is the typical plot line for the average Shounen anime. Naruto, One Piece, Shingeki no Kyojin, SAO, Fairy Tail, and Fullmetal Alchemist just to name a few. Although they’re so typical, why is it that we always love them?

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[Music Monday] Low low low low low

Well would you look at that… a Disney song! Don’t let it affect you, I really like this song. Yes I first heard it on Disneychannel but then I fell in love with it (and Kelly Blatz). Although I never watched it, the song was used on the soundtrack for the movie Skyrunners. Back then in 2009, Rosa Parks and I would jam out to this song. And then I realized 2009 was 5 years ago. 5 years ago the preteen me was stumped by the lyrics to this song. I am still stumped by the lyrics of this song.

[Re:Framed] WAR


In English we have been reading All Quiet on the Western Front and have just finished it up. Currently, AP Euro has been easing into World War I, the subject of the novel. One of the assignments given to us in English was to create a found poem drawing words and phrases from “Dreamers,” “The Conscript,” “Break of Day in the Trenches,” and “Dulce et Decorum Est.” The picture above was what my group came up with.

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[Music Monday] Just the Two of Us

This song was one that I had to trace back. The one that I saw was a cover by a Korean group, Urban Zakapa , which I fell in love with. So when I played it for Toonka, he redirected me to the Will Smith version. I thought his remix was adorable because it was about being a father, and of course he loves his son dearly according to these pictures. And so then I am led to the original by Bill Withers or Grover Washington Jr. (I think both). The RnB song is timeless and just great to listen to in any version.

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[Re:Framed] Just a Speck

I live and have always lived in a suburban area. The closest thing to nature is the park across the street, where the “pond” is a disgusting diarrhea green color polluted with some nasty little “swimmers” according to my Chemistry teacher. The ducks just stand around waiting to attack people and leech off their food. Yes, that is my exposure to being out in the “open air.” And so, nature was left to my running thoughts, imagination, and images shown in storybooks and TV shows.

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[Music Monday] Holograms of the Past

Many of us might remember the old song “Feel Good Inc.” from awhile ago. Released by English band Gorillaz, the song was featured in their Demon Days album back in 2005. This is one of the timeless songs for me. Every time I listen to it I fall in love with it again. If I remember correctly, there was a crazy plot line going on with the members of Gorillaz with their members and music videos, but I’ll let you research on that if you have the time. However with this video, they do seem to be playing a role. 

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The Rain is my Friend

The past weekend it rained. It might not be surprising to some, but to the average person in Southern California, it means a lot. It doesn’t rain often here and many people around me enjoy the rain. It’s a time of year that we city folk don’t experience often. What does the rain mean? To me it’s cozying up, warming up, drinking up, reading up, dressing up, and cuddling up. I. Love. Rain. It’s the indicator in this Mediterranean climate of the Winter that still exists. I sometimes dream and wonder about living in a place where the snow actually falls and that I would actually need an  umbrella because I have not owned one in the past 8 or so years. Maybe in the future, I’ll own one like these.